Depression… What’s it ? How to get out?

5 min readDec 21, 2017


What’s “ Depression “?
Every time, every one of Us when he feels empty or sad, the first word he uses is “Depression”
we are always using this word whatever the using-form: Depression, Depressed …or whatever …
But we are hardly using it …
Most of Us are using it without knowing too much about it, we use it and we don’t even know how dangerous it is.
Did you search before about Depression? I don’t think so .. because each time we feel depressed instead of searching about the problem, the cause of the problem, and the valuable methods to fix it … We just lay in our beds looking to the roof, speaking with our depressed souls … keeping that for a long time, and the “ Depression Mood “ will officially allow your mind to welcome the bad thoughts …

You start thinking about all the bad things that happened to you, your bad relationships, your failures, your bad behavior, and your worst memories of your past …. All came together, at the same time …

Like a perfect team to destroy you …

Do you think that “Depression “ can affect just your thoughts or your mood?

All facets of the personality will be affected
* emotions
* thoughts
* behavior
* physical symptoms

and more …

But everyone is acting his way …

First, it will start by destroying your emotional side :

Horrible sadness, anxiety, guilt, discouragement, bad mood, helplessness, and uselessness feelings …

Second, it will work on affecting your thoughts :

You will start thinking suicidal or searching for methods to hurt yourself in any way, you will feel confused, self-critical, it will be so hard for you to concentrate or to focus on something even the little things, it will be hard for you also to decide or to think about anything, you will face a memory problem, it will be easy for you to forget things, and you will not care or give a value to anything, Life will become Dark and terrible.

Third, your behavior will change :

You will isolate yourself from people, it will be so easy for you to cry even for simple things, even little problems will hurt you deeply, you will be so procrastinated and some people will use alcohol or drugs to escape from their bad reality,

and this can never be an escape because every temporary solution can never be a solution …

Fourth, what we don’t know that it has also physical bad effects:

chronic fatigue, loss of energy, headache, muscle aches, digestive problems, insomnia or hypersomnia, weight loss or weight gain … and many many other affects …


depression is a disease … it's not only a “ MOOD”!

The more the symptoms exist
the longer the symptoms have lasted
the more your depression is severe….

Most of us are suffering from it without even realizing…

In each time you feel “ depressed “ You start talking to yourself, you start discouraging yourself with these bad useless answers “ what’s the good thing happening into my life ? “, “ Why I am alive ? “, “ I did nothing from the long list of things that I wished to do “, “ From where should I start ? “, “ How can I make the decision? “ …..

and more and more of this kind of bad thoughts came to you at the same time … and each new bad vibe will make a way for one hundred other negatives vibes … it’s like a river of bad ideas that you have been falling into it, and now you are not able to get out …

is that the END ?? is it OVER ??

Am I done? No solution to escape ??

Of course NOT!

The fact that you are feeling “ Depressed “ may not mean that you are a WEAK person … it means the opposite, that means that you have been strong for a long time, that you are now tired of being so strong, tired of fighting, your “ Depression” is just a rest, that will not last for a long time if you wake up, if you don’t give up easily, if you don’t get down from your fails, your past, or you bad conditions …

Life is a test, it’s an experience to leave with her bad and good, with pain and gain , with success and fails …

The discrepancy of life is making sense …

We have to believe in ourselves, in our power, in our creativity, we have to fight to make a change, we have to wake up with a goal in life, we have to be motivated, we have to be hopeful and strong …

we have to appreciate the little valuable things in life …

Weak people die suiciding, or mad …

we won’t be ONE, Cause we are going to fight till the end.

The sky has no limits, don’t let the sky be your limits …

Keep it up … that’s how you can make it to the top. Only you … Because no one else is free for you.

we have to MOVE-ON ♥ …

with love ….




Written by CHEBBI Ahlem

“We must write to express, not to impress” Software Quality Analyst Engineer 🔎 Computer science engineering student 💻

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